Pre-Orders are items that are not currently in stock, but can be ordered now and paid in full to be shipped at a later date. Preorder is only available for the items that are marked as "preorder" and not every item that is sold out. 

The terms of our pre-order policy are as follows:

  1. Pre-order Items ship in approximately 10-15 weeks from order date, unless otherwise posted. We are unable to expedite the shipment date nor speed of delivery.

  2. We reserve the right to amend the shipment date and will communicate any changes via the e-mail on file. Please ensure that you have added as an email contact to ensure you receive all updates regarding your order.

  3. Orders containing pre-order items cannot be canceled nor modified.  We are unable to add or remove items from any orders. All items will be held until the pre-order item becomes available for shipping. 

  4. Shipping fees cannot be waived or combined after purchase has been made.

  5. Payment in full is required at time of purchase and the pre-order item will ship at a later date according to the communicated timeline.

For additional questions, please e-mail  We will be delighted to help!